Ode to Potty Training
Froggy potty and Elmo "underpants"
Line the living room floor and hall.
In success he gets a small treat
Along with praising, dancing, singing and all.
Cookies, fruit snacks and even a brownie,
are useful in getting him to sit
Oh, how about cartoons or a trip to the park!
Is this birbery? Maybe just a bit.
Number two is the issue at hand
He is scared to sit and go
So he quickly paces the room in circles
eventually with a little tail in tow
A minor little hurdle
that we can work through
Maybe teaching him to do laundry,
that will be his cue!
So, he is peepeeing on his own now
and is not even an issue
For Tyler is a "big boy now" and
Oh no- I think I need a tissue!
Yes, I know. I need to get a life. Ha! I feel like I am always writing about Ava and her updates, so I wanted to decicate this post to my little guy, Tyler. He is actually doing fantastic with potty training seeing that we are only a week into it:) Now, if only he can get over this fear of the whole pooping part! Or at least only go every few days....hehe. He does love is "underpants" though and would choose that over a diaper anyday. They just grow so fast!
Line the living room floor and hall.
In success he gets a small treat
Along with praising, dancing, singing and all.
Cookies, fruit snacks and even a brownie,
are useful in getting him to sit
Oh, how about cartoons or a trip to the park!
Is this birbery? Maybe just a bit.
Number two is the issue at hand
He is scared to sit and go
So he quickly paces the room in circles
eventually with a little tail in tow
A minor little hurdle
that we can work through
Maybe teaching him to do laundry,
that will be his cue!
So, he is peepeeing on his own now
and is not even an issue
For Tyler is a "big boy now" and
Oh no- I think I need a tissue!
Yes, I know. I need to get a life. Ha! I feel like I am always writing about Ava and her updates, so I wanted to decicate this post to my little guy, Tyler. He is actually doing fantastic with potty training seeing that we are only a week into it:) Now, if only he can get over this fear of the whole pooping part! Or at least only go every few days....hehe. He does love is "underpants" though and would choose that over a diaper anyday. They just grow so fast!